Look, I have seen a trend that should worry the majority of America...whether it does or not is rather personal...but I found it to be rather disturbing and I cannot help but see the pattern duplicate itself on a rather large scale...I don't care what religion you are as this transcends through all of them..even the LDS faith..
This generation, besides being the playstation/xbox generation, is also one that has become a self entitled generation. They do not EARN the respect that they DEMAND from their parents. They EXPECT to receive certain things and will CRY and complain till they get it...regardless of the consequences. They MUST be entertained constantly. Parents have GIVEN UP almost completely as it is easier to give in, than to fight their kids incessant whining and complaining.
We will not hit our kids in this new politically correct (PC) world we live in. We are unafraid by our kids CPS threats, HOWEVER, there are cameras and we respect that we cannot and will not raise our children as we were raised, even though, the way we were raised was large in part..CORRECT. We are lazy parents as a result giving into things we would never give in to otherwise. We do understand the difficulty of getting our kids back if the SLIGHTEST thing were to go wrong...we fear losing our children to the government on a daily basis while we have done nothing wrong...not even remotely...in fact, we ought to do more, but we fear that by doing more we risk negligence in acts of commission OR worse, omission.
It is NOT that we have any intention or interest IN hitting our kids OR that hitting them is even an appropriate answer or response. We DO love our kids, however, we are being taken advantage of and the power and influence has shifted. We are negotiating with 3 year olds when we NEVER had that capacity when WE were 3 years old. My opinion barely mattered till I was about 7 or 8...and even then, could be dismissed for being a kid. At school, teachers can report cases and will even though they themselves may not even HAVE kids...and therefore lack the understanding of what a parent might be going through in particular situations BECAUSE the empathy cannot exist in that situation...so teachers CAN impose in a situation where they think they have all of the answers and yet...do not. We understand that their actions are in good intentions, however, they impose on OUR ability to teach our OWN kids what is right from wrong in the name of what is best for the kids.
All this aside, we are responsible for all of this that we have created. Kids cannot go to the park and even have a catch with their old man, because he is watching TV...or is on the PC (lol...quiet you!)..or is out with friends...OR WORSE...is involved in his addictions..whether it is movies, music, porn or whatever else is keeping him from being productive...the mother is too busy being pissed at the husband for not cleaning up after himself, as well as not playing with kids etc etc...and the kids ...God bless them through all of this dysfunction...are either playing xbox/playstation or are watching something on TV that may not even be age appropriate...
Now there are exceptions to this scenario...or even variations...maybe it is the wife who is victimized by addictions..whether light or heavy..maybe the husband works a different shift or works longer hours...OR maybe the husband is the housemaker as that is happening at a higher rate now....regardless...the kids are not playing baseball, or any other sport, there are no activities and the kids are getting bruised thumbs from the iPods, game controls and whatever else they are involved in...
so how did this get this way? Well mommies have to work...they didn't do all that schooling for nothing...it would be a waste...can't have that...NOW...UNDERSTAND that there are women who must work out of necessity as single mothers...but how did they become single mothers? divorced? really? what caused it? His porn addiction? the results of that addiction? or her involvement at work or all of the above?
kids are NOT getting the exercise they need, this country is as fat as it has EVER been....people even justify their liking of BBWs when 20 years ago, being overweight was abhorred...now..it is part of life...while medical conditions CAN be a part of that...they STILL lead sedentary lifestlyles and their kids pay the price and parents, I can only guess, feel that their kids get their exercise at school...so why do it again? The parents are busy, bills to pay, errands to run...
funny because the baby boomers DO get out of the house and they took us to OUR games! Now we phone it in and take our kids to the game and pick them up when their done?!
The inner city has a MAJOR challenge with baseball, adults are NOT being able to afford a better life and are working 13 hour days to pay for the simplest things in life and yes, this economy sucks...but we had NO problem finding 20 bucks (or more) for Batman's latest which made over 300 million in 10 days...plus the gas it took everyone to get there...just a bigger screen!
While I can understand people's frustration at going to ballgames to support these rich athletes, they are fun and enjoyable...if you don't go for you, at least go for your kids...and for those of us who have swing or graveyard shifts...make the most of the time you have during the day with your kids...
LISTEN TO THE WIFE. Now I have not been one to follow this very well..and it HAS COST ME...when I do..it helps me...novel concept...
don't lie to one another and have your disagreements away from your kids as they can impose guilt on themselves for these fights..and it can play on their own emotional growth and development.
You DO have free agency...but your actions can hold your free agency captive and the only way you get it back is by doing the right thing when it has to be done, regardless of what it is.
Take your kids to the park....show them that they exist beyond the walls of your home.
Date your wife. You need it and so does she. More than you will ever know! Take care of her as well...manicures and pedicures may seem like expenses...but you sure didn't complain last night...be grateful that she WANTS to look good for you!
Get your butt off of the sofa, Tivo it if you must...but go do something YOUR dad would have done with you OR that you would like to have done and think your kids would like to do...
take a freaking interest in your kids schoolwork and understand what their needs and wants are....do you even know who your children are? Do you recognize how YOUR actions influence them?
I am not saying this to anybody but myself....but if you need the butt kicking...then do for your kids what I must do for my own...
We are not perfect...don't beat yourself up too much but..don't justify anything either...own it and move on!